Friday, May 28, 2010

Santa Ana College Offers Scholarships to Illegal Immigrants

I saw this previously at the Orange County Register. But check Gustavo Arellano's completely over the top take on this, "Five OC Illegal Immigrants Who Did More to Better Humanity than Dana Rohrabacher."

Arellano spoke at my college as part of the Puente program in April (gotta build that ethnic solidarity, I guess).

The Santa Ana scholarship program sends the completely wrong message, but considering that the population of Santa Ana is about 90 percent Latino/Mexican, this kind of stuff obviously goes down well in the community.

What kind of country are we going to have folks? Open borders are a fact of life, and we're seeing the erosion of any respect in practice or in spirit for the rule of law. It's unreal sometimes.

RELATED: "Rohrabacher blasts illegal immigrant scholarship‎":

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher is incensed that Santa Ana College is establishing a scholarship for illegal immigrants . He has written a letter to the school’s president saying if they proceed with this ,their federal funding could be in jeopardy.

The $2,500 matching scholarship is being created in honor of Tan Ngoc Tran of Garden Grove, a former Santa Ana College student and immigration activist who was killed in Maine on May 15 by a drunk driver.

In his letter to college president Erlina Martinez, Rohrabacher said while Tran’s death is tragic, “channeling our scarce resources to illegal immigrants, even if they are students, is unforgivable at a time when so many of our citizens and legal residents are struggling to meet their own education needs.’’ ....

Tran was a crusader for passage of the DREAM ACT, which would allow illegal immigrant students to get legal status.

Rohrabacher, R-Costa Mesa, also said the scholarship dedicated to illegal immigrants is “an affront to law abiding citizens who tax dollars will pay the bill.’’

Rohrabacher tells Martinez that giving such money “to law breakers by rewarding them with scholarships exhibits a misguided set of priorities for Santa Ana College.”

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