Sunday, June 13, 2010

Daily Kos on Helen Thomas: Jews Back to Poland Just 'Human Nature'

Hey, when the whole of society is irredeemably racist, sexist, and homophobic, who cares about a little anti-Semitism among the left-wing media elite.

At Daily Kos, unsurprisingly, "
Helen Thomas and the Veneer of Civilization":
Bigotry lies just below the surface in many of us. Below the level of consciousness. Strip away the veneer of what we consider civilized deportment, and it will appear in more of us than most people realize. It occasionally shows itself in flickering glimpses. Romanticizing the Confederacy. Attempting to forget the internment of the Japanese during the Second World War. Ignoring the continuing suffering of the descendants of those that survived the genocide of this continent's native peoples. Omission can be every bit as revealing and damaging as commission.

Bigotry reveals itself when the GLBT community is criticized for demanding basic rights, and people are shouted down and told to be patient with what is characterized as their special agenda. When immigrants are blamed for lost jobs or increased crime, despite statistics proving they are responsible for neither. When people confuse Israel with Jews, or call AIPAC, which enjoys support from but a minority of the American Jewish community, the "Jewish lobby." The ease with which the Bush Administration used a terrorist attack executed by a small band of Saudis and Egyptians, and planned in Afghanistan and Germany, to foment a pandemic hatred that ended up directed at a nation of Arabs and Muslims that had had absolutely nothing to do with that attack. The welfare "reform" signing ceremony that used black women as props for the photo op. The irrational fury unleashed by the election of this nation's first black president ...

The lesson of Helen Thomas should not be taken as a statement only about Helen Thomas ...


RTWT. It's. Just. Really. Sick.

Kinda like the KKKos-kiddie's virulently anti-Semitic diary, "
Eulogy before the Inevitability of Self-Destruction: The Decline and Death of Israel."

And no matter if it's a front-page essay, deep-buried diary, or hate-filled comment thread: Hey, the entire Kos community adds values. It's all one big happy commentocracy of hate. According to Kos editor Susan Gardner, "They’re giving community what the community wants, which is different than the outside world."

RELATED: Jeff Dunetz at Big Journalism, "How the Media Got It Wrong Re the Helen Thomas Affair."

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