Thursday, July 1, 2010

Fail-Blogger Blue Texan Single-Handedly Changes Definition of Word 'Never'

It's amusing, frankly, although it'd be nice if fail-blogger Blue Texan of the totally lame Instaputz would actually throw me a little traffic. That said, it's all of a half-brained piece, as I noted Tuesday, "Blue Texan at Firedoglake Trashes Right-Bloggers for Criticizing Senate Majority Cyclops Robert C. Byrd."

So with that, let's administer the coup de grĂ¢ce.

First, start with Blue Texan's new "rebuttal," "
Functionally retarded Donald Douglas semi-refutes one of my 4 rebuttals, declares victory."

Well, no, I didn't semi-refute anything. Let's go back to Blue Texan's original fail quote, "Byrd renounced his past racism, and became a true champion for civil rights. Lott's voting record on civil rights sucks, and he's never renounced his ties to the CCC."

There are at least two absolute statements here which are demonstrable false. (1) You can't "renounce your past racism" and be "a true champion for civil rights" when you're calling folks "nigger" on national television in 2001. Nope. Sorry. STFU on that "true champion" bull, got that. You. Just. Don't. Get. A. Pass. On. "Nigger." --- "NAACP President Kweisi Mfume denounced Byrd's comments as 'repulsive'." See, "
Where's the Outrage Over Robert Byrd? Group Decries Racist Remark by Liberal Lawmaker, Asks Why Criticism is Muted."

And see how Blue Texan's just making shit up. If NAACP calls out Byrd as a backwoods cracker, while GWB was in office no less, that's just massive repudiation of the lame hick Byrd's alleged civil rights creds.

But notice as well the bogus claim that Trent Lott "never" renounced" his racism. Never means never. Did he NEVER renounce his CCC ties or not? And linking to ADL is fail. Nope. No lifeline. Do not pass go. Additional citations don't get you off the hook for screwed BUT COMPLETELY ABSOLUTE statements. NEVER. MEANS. NEVER. HAHAHAHAHA!! SMACK. DOWN. YO.

But wait!! Blue Texan can't be wrong, remember. He's a freakin' Democrat. There's no such thing as right or wrong. Just ask Nancy Pelosi! It's all George Bush's fault ....


Okay, but Hamsher's henchman says he's packing more heat. Okay, what you got, mofo? This ...?
As for my other rebuttal points #1, #2, the first three-fourths of #3, and #4 -- Donald offers no comment. Good move. That's why I say he's functionally retarded, as opposed to a total drooling giggling vegetable finger up his nose mouth breathing kind of retarded.
So let's sum up: Obviously, Blue Texan's one sick lying motherf***ing hypocrite.
It's always so much fun to watch these wingnuts melt down.
Listen kiddo. Those other "rebuttal points" weren't even worth mention, having no basis in any kind of reality. Just saying you're right doesn't actually, you know, make you right.

But here you go: (#1) The
"context" doesn't matter for shit, and the post doesn't place anything in "context." Robert Byrd WAS KKK. He can "renounce" all he wants, but kinda hard to bring back the lynched black boys the group murdered. But hey, I understand. The Democrats are the big "party of civil rights" so we're supposed to forget about the sheets. Byrd didn't of course, still slurring folks as "nigger" just a few years before his death.

Screw you and your white supremacist double-standards, prick.

And how about (#2), "Being Southern and associated with a white supremacist group in 1942 is not the same thing as being Southern and being associated with a white supremacist group in 1992." Says who? Is there some kind of ripening date on being a white supremacist? Well, no, actually, so obviously Blue Texan has no clue. Again, you be down wit' de double-standards bitch. That's called hypocrisy, yo.

And (#4): "Is Douglas really defending Robert Stacy McCain, who wrote that Byrd's death makes him "the best kind of Democrat"? This is not a truth claim and deserves to be ignored. (Cue the laugh-track.) It's worth pointing out this pathetic attempt of some kind guilt by assocation, and that's assuming whatever R.S. McCain wrote was improper. None of that is in evidence, so it's completely beyond reason to assert any kind of argumentative triumph. But again, it's a self-superiority moral thing for leftists: They just say they're right, and if you don't agree they'll bludgeon the f*** out of you until you get in line (kinda like SEIU).

Blue Texan's all about avoidance, denial, and obfuscation. The hypocrisy's killer, too, as I've pointed out. I guess that explains the DEAFENING silence on
Hammering Jane's totally FUBAR racist smears. (And that's not to mention TBogg, the prime bigot of all the FDL clowns.) Lie down with dogs ...

You lose epic Blue Texan loser. Respond on point, dickwad, or STFU.

as Mike said, "Civil discourse? Here’s all the civil discourse these Red-toothed, America-hating douchebags deserve: fuck every last one of them. In the heart, railroad spike, cayenne pepper in the Vaseline; you know the drill."

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