Saturday, July 10, 2010

LeBron James Hightails It Out of High Tax Cleveland

Carolyn Tackett has a smart post on this, "Million$ of Reason$ Why $igning With Miami I$ $mart." And also at NYT, "LeBron James and Taxes."

And a Reason.TV clip, via at Instapundit, who notes, "
High taxes cause wealth to flee":

LeBron James has decided to move to Florida and play for the Miami Heat rather than bear another season with the Cavaliers.

Everybody is piling on: How could a dude with a tattoo of the word loyalty on his chest abandon "the mistake on the lake?"

But LeBron is only doing what more than half of Cleveland's population has done over the in the last 60 years: Getting the hell out of the place.

He didn't leave because of money, though some analyses show that he can take home more in pay in Florida despite a lower salary. Ohio used to be one of the lowest-tax states in the country. Now it's one of the highest.

That's what Clevelanders should be outraged about. Their economy has enough to deal with already without being put in a full court press by high taxes.

Cleveland needs to get rid of its savior complex. LeBron James could never have saved Cleveland--no single sports star or entrepreneur or bailout can--but there are definite, proven steps that any city can take to improve
life for its citizens.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link, Donald. Besides not having a state income tax we have great weather here (except during hurricane season). In fact, other than the snakes, mosquitoes, fire ants, gators and oppressive humidity there is no down side to living in Florida. ;-)
