Saturday, July 10, 2010

Weekend Bikini Blogging!

It's weekend Rule 5 time. Remember this is the chance to exchange links with like-minded bloggers (which sadly doesn't always happen as much as it should, so again thanks to Linkmaster Smith for his weekend labors).

My good friend Opus 6 is expected to join the fun this weekend, and I've been in contact with some good friends over at The Practical State blog, and it looks like a practical place to check out. And if you haven't been reading The Blog Prof regularly you're missing out. For example, "Video of Ed Shultz: Unemployment extension is a "moral issue" and not extending it for 99 weeks makes US a 3rd world country or something."


And be sure to visit some of the other friends of American Power:

* Another Black Conservative.

Astute Bloggers (Honorary).

Blazing Cat Fur.

Bob Belvedere.

Classical Liberal.

Daley Gator.

Left Coast Rebel.

* Mind Numbed Robot.

Not a Sheep.


The Other McCain.

Reaganite Republican (Honorary).

Right Klik (Honorary).

Saberpoint (Honorary).

Serr8d (Honorary).

Snooper's Report (Honorary).


Theo Spark.

Washington Rebel.


BONUS: Don't forget Instapundit.

And drop your link in the comments to be added to the weekly bikini roundups!


  1. Thank you sir, it's an honor. I will add you to my blogroll immediately!
