Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Challenger Joe Miller Beats Lisa Murkowski in Alaska*

Tuesday was a Super Tuesday for primary elections across the country, and while establishment candidates have shown staying power, indications suggest some earthquake potential come November.

* Check Alaska's results especially. See Robert Stacy McCain's prediction, "
PRIMARY ELECTION NIGHT HQ SHOCKER! Challenger Miller Upsets Murkowski in Alaska GOP Senate Primary." (And the consensus wait-and-see approach is at ABC News, "Another Incumbency Upset? Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski Trailing Behind Tea Party Favorite.") Ed Morrissey has more, "Upset in Alaska?" And LAT notes, "with 97.9% of the precincts reporting, Miller led by fewer than 2,000 votes, 51% to Murkowski's 49%. Several thousand absentee ballots remained to be counted."

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