Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Impact: United Airlines Flight 175 September 11, 2001

At Israel Matzav, "Why There Shouldn't Be a Mosque at Ground Zero."

More on Flight 175 here.


BREAKING: Dan Senor, at WSJ, "An Open Letter on the Ground Zero Mosque" (via Memeorandum):

Our deeper concern is what effect Cordoba House would have on the families of 9/11 victims, survivors of and first responders to the attacks, New Yorkers in general, and all Americans. As you have seen in the public reaction to the Cordoba House, 9/11 remains a deep wound for Americans—especially those who experienced it directly in some way. They understandably see the area as sacred ground. Nearly all of them also reject the equation of Islam with terrorism and do not blame the attacks on Muslims generally or on the Muslim faith. But many believe that Ground Zero should be reserved for memorials to the event itself and to its victims. They do not understand why of all possible locations in the city, Cordoba House must be sited so near to there.

And the contrary opinion from Wordsmith at Flopping Aces, "Refudiating the Islamophobes." And Jennifer Rubin, "The Left Defends Ground Zero Mosque."

1 comment:

  1. Today is a day that will live in infamy. The paid stooges of Mike Bloomberg, the mayor of NYC who was elected to represent his constituents, voted against the overwhelming will of the citizens of the city.

    They approved the building of the Hate Mosque just two blocks from where 3,000 Americans were murdered in cold blood in the name of Allah, the rat deity of Islam.

    These traitors and their cohorts must be shown that the people of American will not take this lying down.

    No to the Hate Mosque. No to the 911 Mosque!

