Sunday, August 1, 2010

Outrage Over Chelsea Clinton's Wedding

Doug Ross has the must read post on this, with the classic commentary from Mrs. Ross:
"There really are two Americas: the Democrat ruling class and everyone else."
I for one (as well as my wife) don't begrudge the Clintons for having a smash-bang wedding with lavish no-holds barred accomodations, luxuries, etc. This is America. It's what we do. But I don't see any effort by the Clintons at moderation, a point that Mrs. Ross points out at the post:
"These people are such f***ing hypocrites it makes me sick to my stomach."
It seems hypocritical, but again, who's to complain? That said, I am fascinated by the contrast with Jenna Bush's marriage in summer 2008. There's an article at New York Times, "Jenna Bush Has Wedding at Ranch in Crawford." The Bush family spent $100,000. No matter (I think my father-in-law spent under $10,000 when I married my wife). That said, iOWNTHEWORLD offers an observation:
I never saw pictures of Jenna’s wedding before. Did you notice that the racists had a black minister??? Wow. How did that guy get in there?

Jenna Bush

George and Jenna

BONUS: Robert Stacy McCain tweeted earlier, indicating he's met Chelsea and she's a-okay. Robert's got a post up now as well, "Best Wishes, Chelsea Clinton."

RELATED: "Town Elbows Its Way Into Clinton Wedding."

AND NO-JOKE DOUBLE BONUS: "Why the Clintons, not the Bushes, are the new royal family."

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