Friday, October 1, 2010

Balloon Juice: Okay to Push Jewish Conspiracies 'As Long As You Don't Criticize Right-Wing Israelis'

Here's the zoom-in from DougJ's comments on Rick Sanchez at Balloon Juice, "Dirty Sanchez."


Here's the key passages:
You’ve probably heard about Rick Sanchez’s “Jews run everything” freak-out by now. I agree with Paul Campos of Lawyers, Guns, and Money that it’s ridiculous for Sanchez to whine about how the Jewish man is keeping Cuban-American tv personalities down (which seemed to be what Sanchez was getting at) ....

My sense is that this doesn’t hurt Sanchez’s career as much as you might think, since nowadays it’s fine to endorse Jewish conspiracy theories as long as you don’t criticize right-wing Israelis. Just compare the cases of Gregg Easterbrook and Charles Freeman.

Update. CNN
cans Sanchez.
I'm reminded of the whole "SASQUATCH ISRAEL" brouhaha. I can already hear the crickets chirping for Balloon Juice, since there's NEVER ANY anti-Semitism on the progressive left!!

And notice the fail "update" as well: Turns out there must be a few "right-wing Israelis" (read "Jewish neocons occupying the commanding heights of the media industry") who don't care so much for Sanchez's anti-Jewish slurs criticisms after all.

BONUS: No word yet from
Bonejob Keefe. Surprising too, since he's ever on the prowl for alleged-right wing bigotry and RAAAAACISM!!


  1. Following U.S. politics may inspire you to call a comedian a bigot or to kill a Muslim. Being informed, like voting, is as American as apple pie Unfortunately, cooking a pie is more difficult than eating it, and interpreting media is more difficult than consuming it.

  2. What exactly is a "bonejob" and how much will it cost me? Sasquatch Israel rules!
