Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Imam Rauf's Islamist Extremism --- UPDATED!!

I've picked up a quite a few nasty left-wing trolls since the flame war with the Sadly No! commies. One particularly despicable dickhead is the prick at "Thinking Meat", one of the more unbelievably messed up websites I've ever seen. Anyway, I've deleted his previous comments in the moderation queue, but like most nihilist trolls, he's persistent. He's attacking me as "racist" at his blog, but we naturally hear not one peep about Barack "Gangsta" Obama's endorsement of the most bigoted stereotypes of hip hop rappers. And for some whacked reason this Neanderthal thinks he's pwned me on my earlier remarks about Imam Rauf, where I noted: "No one's really digging down deep, which is that Imam Rauf has praised sharia and alleged that America deserved it on September 11." In a follow up comment, in the style of JBW, he writes:
I was right, of course. You don't have the guts to post Rauf's actual words.

No, much much easier to 'paraphrase' them, so that you can portray him as 'saying' anything you need him to 'say'.

And fuck you --- Unthinking Commie Pinhead. Here's
Imam Rauf's exact words:
"We tend to forget, in the West, that the United States has more Muslim blood on its hands than al Qaida has on its hands of innocent non-Muslims. You may remember that the US-led sanctions against Iraq led to the death of over half a million Iraqi children."
And Imam Rauf said the U.S. had it coming in September 2001, on "60 Minutes":

As for sharia, the Imam published [a defense of sharia] at Huffington Post last year: "What Shariah Law Is All About."

That's all the attention you get, Unthinking Freak. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Like Reppy, exDLB, Bonejob Keefe, Truth 101 and the rest you commie refuse. Stay the hell away from this blog. You are the scum of the earth.


UPDATE: exDLB has responded, but he ignores the orginal criticism from Pinhead Thinking Meat. Here's my quote from the original post, with the key phrasing in bold: "No one's really digging down deep, which is that Imam Rauf has praised sharia and alleged that America deserved it on September 11." Note: exDLB is correct on my wording, and I have edited my statement above, because I was half asleep when I wrote it and that's not what I meant to write. So to recap: (1) Imam Rauf indeed "praised" sharia, the point Asswipe Thinking Meat claimed was a fabrication, and (2) exDLB ignores the YouTube clip I posted and the link to Discover the Networks --- and that's because exDLB is a liar and his post just spews more progressive anti-Americanism:
The crime perpetrated on the United States on 9/11 was heinous. Over 3000 US citizens and others lost their lives. The sanctions put in place and kept in place during the Bush I and Clinton administrations did lead to the deaths of over a half million Iraqi children. That was one of the reasons given by bin Laden for the 9/11 attacks. Rauf does not say the 9/11 attacks were justified. What he’s saying is no different than what Chalmers Johnson, Andrew Bacevich and many other conservatives have said. The attacks were blowback.
When someone issues a denial of their main point as a preface (both Imam Rauf and exDLB) that's a de facto acknowledgment that they're engaging in the exact allegations in which they've initially denied. So, listen carefully at the video. Imam Rauf indicates that Americans "have been accessory to a lot of innocent lives dying in the world," and that "in the most direct sense, Osama bin Laden is made in the USA."

"Made in the USA."

In other words, you made your bed now sleep in it.

Anti-Americans all of them, which is why I will resist their nihilism and destruction.


JBW said...

Glad you dig my style, Don. I couldn't tell though: am I to be included in that list of banned commenters? Just say the word and I'm gone forever...

Dennis said...

At some point one has to realize that terms such as "racists', "sexist" et al have been used so many times against almost everyone who disagrees with the Left that the terms have no meaning. They are the words one looks for to know that one is winning. It is just a continuing form of violence, verbal violence. It is what all failed philosophies end up resorting to because they lack the capacity to defend their ideas otherwise.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I thought we were getting along Professor.

Oh well. Return to The Valley of the Banned III.