Sunday, October 3, 2010

Socialists Dominate 'One Nation Working Together' Rally in Washington, D.C.

I would have loved to have been there! Check the roster of neo-communists at the "Endorsing Organizations" at the One Nation Working Together homepage. A partnering outfit is the blatantly socialist "One Nation Working Toward Peace and Justice" organization. And International ANSWER is always good for boatloads of commies:


And check the video. Pure brilliance via Twitter and Chicks on the Right. Plus, additional commentary at Washington Rebel: "Zinnlandia," and This Ain't Hell, "That 'One Nation' Rally."


  1. Take note of all the fat commies in the crowd. If it's so bad here in America--excuse me, AmeriKKKa, you'd think some of the pinkos wouldn't be quite as well-fed as they appear.

    They want me to submit to their Bullshitvik Revolution? How's about a few of them try to push themselves away from the all-you-can-eat buffet table every once in a while.

  2. Probably one of the best metaphors for this "Astroturf" rally is a bit of trash on the ground, a paper espousing Communism/Socialism. What seemed to define it further was the amount of trash left everywhere. It should have been called Trashing America.
    If one is a Conservative or a person who loves this country one has to love all those signs. What better symbolism to tie to the Obama administration and to the Dems. If the Republicans and T.E.A. parties don't have ads showing these people and the lack of respect they showed for our Nation's capital they are missing out. One could start with George Washington looking out over the Mall in Washington D.C. At his feet is a rumpled up Communist or Socialist newspaper. As one pans out there is no spot that dose not have trash spread everywhere. The camera pans back to see GW crying. This rally has so many possibilities that one wonders if the organizers understand what they have actually accomplished.
    This is great stuff and a perfect example of who these people really are and what they truly represent. The "media" will try to cover for them, but they have provided a glimpse into the heart and soul of the Left.
    Again I love this kind of demonstration from the Left because it provides so much ammunition that can be used against them. Great material.

  3. Don't you just love this video. Great and better yet they willing provided the context. Even better is that Obama approved of this get together. It fits so well with his mind set which paints America as oppressor. A little "Dreams FROM His Father"
