Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Allen West Wins Florida's 22nd District

Former New York Representative Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., was often called "black America's Congressman." One of the first two blacks in Congress in the Post-Reconstruction Era, Powell was "a leader in the black community not just in New York, but all across the country."

It's an imperfect analogy (Powell was a Democrat), but my sense is that Lt. Colonel Allen West's election to Congress last night will have implications far beyond Florida's 22nd Congressional District.

Last night's results were bittersweet for Californians, and later I'll have some commentary and analysis on the results from the Left Coast, but Allen West's victory lifts my spirits. He will be a voice for moral clarity and patriotic values in Congress, and he is the most recent affirmation that we live in a color-blind society. More at The Other McCain, "VIDEO: Allen West Victory Speech":


Additional video at The Blaze, "Lt. Colonel Allen West’s Victory Speech: ‘Made My Toes Tingle’." See also the Palm Beach Post, "Congress: Allen West claims victory over incumbent Ron Klein."

Black Republicans Win First Congress Seats Since 2003."

ADDED: From Gateway Pundit, "Rep. Allen West Bashes Obama In First Interview “This Should Not Be About Punishing Enemies or Hand-to-Hand Combat”:

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