Sunday, November 21, 2010

American Music Awards Wrap at LAT

I'm still watching, but see Todd Martens at Los Angeles Times, "American Music Awards 2010: Rihanna, Katy Perry, Santana, Ke$ha and all the performances, graded":

Katy Perry, "Firework." Like the pyrotechnic toys the song takes its name from, Perry's AMA take is all bombast, no substance. All the cliches needed for a big-event moment were here. Gaggle of singing children? Check (Hey, she can be serious, too! It's not all skimpy outfits and giant fruit). String section? You betcha! At least she didn't sing that "Peacock" thing. D

I enjoyed Taylor Swift --- and she's got a hot makeover --- but follow the link for the grade.

And at Entertainment Weekly, "
AMAs '10: Best/Worst Performances," and ABC News, "Justin Bieber Sweeps American Music Awards‎."

Added: My wife said she was digging on Usher, so here's this at MTV, "Usher Shows Off Fancy Footwork At AMAs."

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