Thursday, November 18, 2010

Four Loko'd

Big boy James B. Webb announced he was back on November 1st. Since then Brain Rage has witness a grand total of two entries. I guess that brother be busy, out scopin' some beverage: "Partyers Rush to Stock Up On Four Loko Before It Gets Pulled From Shelves After FDA Says It's Unsafe."


JBW said...

I'm curious, Don: do other black folks make fun of you when they hear you trying to speak slang or do they just shake their heads in embarrassment?

Oh no, that wasn't PC enough, was it!? Now call me RAAACIST as is your whiny wont. I'm trying some Loko in your honor, dude.

AmPowerBlog said...

No, JBW. They give me finger bumps cause I'm down with 'em. Yo.

JBW said...

Yeah, I knew so many people who speak just like you write when I worked in downtown Oakland for years. And it's "fist bumps", old man. I think you might be confusing the black kids in your classes with a lesbian porno you saw once. Yo.

AmPowerBlog said...


I'm telling you, they don't bump fists. My homies do this this little finger wiggle bump. But I suppose you used to actually know black folks back in the day. Now put some Visine in and snap out of it, druggie loser bro.

JBW said...

Yeah, most black folks I've known have been pretty cool. I make an exception in your case, of course. This next bong rip is in your honor as well, homie.

AmPowerBlog said...

You're such a d-bag, JBW.

JBW said...

You're so thoughtful and eloquent, Don.

Are you teaching your sons to call people names in lieu of intelligent discussion as well? Because I believe that children are our future, the next line of meth I snort off of a hooker's chest will be in their honor. Word.

AmPowerBlog said...

JBW, you need not be an angel to be a good dad, and I don't claim angel status, in any case. Profanity around the house is not cool, of course, but online I do my own thing. I'm sure some more professional types don't love my thing, but it's too late now.

In any case, are you ready to come out from your "James B. Webb" pseudonym? We went through that stuff with the fake ID you posted a while back.

JBW said...

I'm not questioning your abilities as a father Don, just your seeming inability to conduct a civil conversation with people you disagree with without resorting to name calling. You're like Mark Levin without the radio show and success, although you do have his build.

As to my true identity, it must be forever hidden to protect those I care about most from my enemies who would do them harm to strike back at me (your youngest son is a comic fanboy so he can explain to you the importance of secret identities).

You've probably also correctly guessed that the picture to the right is not really me either. You see, a pair of eyeglasses was an adequate disguise for your average Superman back in the day but in the era of the Internets I felt that a much more sophisticated disguise was called for.

So I digitally created a composite image using the best looking men throughout history, dressed it in a Hollister T-shirt and made it my avatar. It's an impressive visage I know, and combined with a name as unique and catchy as "James B. Webb" has served me as an impenetrable guise lo these many years.

While we're on the topic, I ran across a certain Kenyan birth certificate you might be interested in...

AmPowerBlog said...

Civil conversation?

I've never given you permission to call me "Don" and you're even raising the rule of discusssion? I give no quarter in debate, and ad hominems are just that. If you can't stand the heat ...

JBW said...

Ah, I see: you're using the old "Shortening the name 'Donald' to 'Don' is the civil equivalent of replacing 'JBW' with 'loser' or 'douchebag'" argument, eh? Savvy.

I wonder: what schools did you attend where using ad hominem was considered an acceptable form of debate? Were you ever actually declared the winner of a classroom debate because you called your opponent an asshole? And if so, were you ever taken seriously again by your peers? And if so, how did that institution ever gain accreditation and respect within the academic community?

To you "no quarter" seems to mean "yell insults and declare yourself the winner". I've known many academics and I've met very few who would consider that any kind of intellectual victory as you do. People who behave like that always strike me as either delusional or stupid.

I don't think you're stupid.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Excellent post Sir Donald. Once again you have exposed the phony knave Lance Thundercock, I mean James B. Webb, yeah right. Like that's a real name, for the drug addled zombie Obama loving lazy dope fiend he is.

AmPowerBlog said...

JBW: Why you consider blog debates as equivalent to academic discourse and exchange is beyond me. The web isn't a civil place, and your insistence on it being so is borderline stupid, and just plain lame. Besides, you're hardly worthy. You bluster but when faced with genuine argumentation you go limp. Obama cult status is a losing game, but you're a druggie dopehead loser, so if the shoe fits ...

JBW said...

I often ask myself that same question, Don. I guess it's just the way I was raised: I try not to say anything to someone online that I wouldn't say to their face in a bar. I don't buy into your whole "It's the Internet so it's OK to be an asshole" philosophy.

Also, despite what so many people keep telling me at my site, I occasionally try to engage you intellectually because you have advanced degrees and are a college professor. I have respect for that title but the constant insults and natural inclination towards the lowest common denominator remind me that who you are as a professor is not who you are as a man. Thanks, I won't forget again.

I think you may have been right, LT101: I suspect the PhD. smells faintly of Cracker Jack dust. This guy is fucking Clown Shoes. I'm going to pour the last sip of my Four Loko out on the ground in memoriam to his integrity.

AmPowerBlog said...

JBW: Do I sense an inferiority complex? No one online seems to care about my Ph.D., so I don't pretend to make it matter. I've been posting lots of "intellectual" entries this past week or so, mostly on foreign policy, but you don't show up in those threads. Is there something you actually want from me? Seriously, you're turning into a chick or something. And dude, I'm married.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the point of any of this. Seriously.