Tuesday, November 9, 2010

George W. Bush Talks With Matt Lauer

Right Scoop has the full video, and at New York Times (FWIW), "A New Bush, a Lot Like the Old One":

George W. Bush

Two years ago he left office with two wars raging and an economy in free fall, an embattled commander in chief with the lowest approval ratings of any modern president. Now Mr. Bush is offering himself up as a chatty president emeritus, sometimes defiant and other times cheerful, on a media blitz to promote his memoir, “Decision Points.”

It was a fascinating, at times disarming, performance, but also a confusing one: a plea for understanding from a president who says he doesn’t give a fig about popularity. At one point, Mr. Bush boasted that when an acquaintance told him his approval ratings were up, he retorted, “Who cares?”

In the hourlong NBC News special, Mr. Bush talked about himself with the blend of candor and self-serving boilerplate that almost all book-promoting celebrities master on a publicity tour.

1 comment:

  1. I thought he was quite refreshing and had some serious balls to admit to and take responsibility for mistakes, missteps and bad decisions during his Presidency. I admire that. It is something we will NEVER see with our current puss of a President. :)N
