Saturday, November 13, 2010

Seattle Times Movie Critic Watches First Six 'Harry Potter' Movies Back-to-Back in Single Day

Saw the preview today at the movies, and since I've been movie blogging (and my little kid wants to see "Deathly Hallows"), here's this, from Moira Macdonald:

By the end, I think I was starting to talk like Professor McGonagall. Or maybe Hagrid.

On a dark, stormy Thursday in late October, in anticipation of the opening of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part I" I watched all six "Harry Potter" movies back to back. A stunt, to be sure, but in my line of work there aren't too many opportunities for such things, and I've always wanted to be able to say that I do my own stunt work. I told some people of this plan and noted that the responses fell neatly into two categories: "Oh, that sounds like so much fun!" and (I'm quoting directly here) "You are insane, lady."

The Potterthon at my house began at approximately 7:45 a.m. (when the sunrise would have been, if there had been one, which seemed perfectly Potteresque) and ended roughly 15 hours later, a little before 11 p.m. I watched every minute of every movie — not even fast-forwarding the dull parts in the last hour of "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" — except for the end credits, which weren't legible on my TV screen and which would have added at least another hour to the viewing total (they last about 10-15 minutes per movie). Meals were eaten in front of the screen; breaks between movies were no more than 10 minutes. All this struck me as a feat quite worthy of Gryffindor; delightful as the experience was, only the brave — or the heroically foolish, or at least those possessed of comfortable chairs — should attempt six movies in a row.

And what did I learn from the Potterthon? Various random musings, as follows...
And follow the link to see what she learned.

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