Saturday, November 27, 2010

We Don't Need More Leaders: Social Networking and the Public Square

Interesting piece from NYT, "The Public Square Goes Mobile."
“We don’t need more leaders. We need more followers. Wherever & however you can enter public life is ok.”

That tweet by Carol Coletta, president and CEO of CEOs for Cities, is a radical provocation in our age of the non-expert. The nation is gripped by the fantasy that the least-qualified, least-experienced among us make ideal leaders. Dissatisfaction — no, real anger — with the status quo, as opposed to informed ideas or policy experience, seems to define qualifications for public service.
Coletta's Twitter page is here.

Carol Coletta


  1. Thank you! I am so tired of this tripe that "everybody needs to be a leader". How the eff does that work, exactly, we all walk around in circles?

  2. Never forget that the "best and the brightest" got us into the mess we're in today, and as Einstein opined, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." So my fellow Americans, keep voting for the smartest, & most experienced individual who claim they can "solve problems if only they're in charge" and you'll get more problems with more laws with more regulation and intrusion, and less freedom.
