Saturday, December 11, 2010

Elizabeth Edwards Eulogized

The story's at New York Times and Memeorandum.

And Althouse writes on the day, with a link to the New York Times, "
Elizabeth Edwards, Through Many Eyes."

Also, at Us Weekly, "
Elizabeth Edwards' Oldest Daughter Eulogizes Mom at Funeral."

And I closed comments at my big post from earlier in the week. By now it's a feedback process in the thread, and the cumulative, repetitive nature to the comments have emboldened some.
For example:
MoeLarryAndJesus said...

Donald Douglas is a contemptible political hack who can eat shit and die.
Frustrated that I closed comments, some visitors commented elsewhere at the blog (Bernie Sanders, "Hate Mail"), and I've gotten two angry e-mails so far, with no doubt more on the way. Boing Boing linked, so that explains some of it, and check the link there for another round of vile left-wing demonology and hatred. It's no doubt fascinating. But all this buzzing anger will die down subside next week.

RELATED: "The Powerful Corpse of Radical Progressivism," and "Creepy Stalker Shows Up at Christianity Today."


  1. I would like to thank you for your recent posts re: Elizabeth Edwards. Self-righteous Christians like yourself do a great service for those who would argue religion is a predominantly detrimental force in the world. Keep up the good work! :)

  2. Doesn't matter if you shut down your comments, man. You're still a Grade-A dickhead.

  3. Hey, people tend to feel strongly about a guy being a dick to a dying woman. Even if/especially if/regardless of whether it's being done from a religious angle.

    So here's one more person calling you out on it. Don't be a dick. Especially to dying people whom you know very little about. (You didn't even read her book!)

  4. It's interesting to note, re the protests at the funeral, that, according to local Raleigh radio, most of the counter protests were organized by patriot groups, such as some freedom bikers, ie, conservatives, who couldn't stand to see those sickos from the Westboro..well, I'm reticent to call them a church, since it isn't the Christianity I know....picket her funeral, no matter if the bikers did agree with her political leanings. They felt it was just wrong to not stand up for her against the protest.

  5. You have a lot of nerve posting another article about Elizabeth Edwards after the last one critical of her. You remind me of the Westboro church, trampling on the dead, and their still living families.

  6. There is no good reason to beat up on a dead woman because she didn't mention your superstition. Sometimes I wonder if Christians are really as bad as people say, and then I find posts like yours. Thanks for reminding me.

  7. Donald, I commend you for blogging your sentiments about Elizabeth Edwards, whom I think is vastly over-rated because of her political duplicity. Even with her cancer diagnosed in 2004, after she found out that hubby John was dicking skank-whore Rielle in 2006, she still decided to support his candidacy for POTUS a few months later, despite the high likelihood of her husband's infidelity with golddigging-hooker Hunter bein outed.

    Her religious beliefs or lack of same are not of interest to me, as they are private even if she tried to indoctrinate others with her particular brand of non-religion.

    What I don't like is her total lack of ethics and her moral leprosy of deciding that she still wanted to be FLOTUS even after discovering her cad of a husband was a lyin' POS. I actually was blogging twice a week after Sam Stein outed John Edwards toward the end of 2006 or early 2007 and had my blog shut down for three weeks for unspecified reasons while Google decided whether I was slandering the skank-luvin' SOB Johnny-boy. He had his tentacles stretching all over the internet trying to suppress that story.

  8. The hypocrisy just exudes from these poorly written comments. Here is a group of people who applaud every time something untoward s happens to those they disagree with , wish death to those they disagree with and and go absolutely bonkers when someone dies who they disagreed with.
    Oh, that they actually demonstrated anywhere near the compassion for others, like Sarah Palin, et al, that they demand from others.
    Drivel written by people who have little or no respect for others is just drivel.
    It is amusing to see this disgusting ilk whine like stuck pigs when questions about one of their supposed own are raised. I can see why you post their comments. It demonstrates the hypocrisy, loathsomeness, and lack of respect for others exhibited by these lowlifes. These comments put together is a case study in hate especially given their comments about anyone who does not climb in the gutter with them. There is a reason why they are the Dark Side of life.
    Thanks Donald for allowing these people to demonstrate who they really are. Kind of made them jump right into the hole. It might make an interesting book, "The left As It Truly Is."

  9. I'm not a fan of Elizabeth Edwards, but I too was rather shocked that the fact that she hadn't mentioned her "faith in God" in her farewell message was worthy of such calumny. Take issue with her "standig by her man" for so long by all means, but to get outraged because she didn't "thank God" as she lay there dying from a disease that (if you're a Christian) he sent as a test of her faith...heck...if I believed in God and he sent me these tests, I'd quickly decide he wasn't worthy of worship, and when I eventually did die I'd have a few choice words for him before heading down to the sizzling hot Hell that he apparently likes to send people to, who are unable to believe that such a "just and loving god" actually exists.

    But of course there is no God except Om. The Turtle Moves!

  10. There are some bad points to be made about Elizabeth Edwards. Her husband made millions telling lies in the courtroom and destroying the careers of hardworking people.

    Did she ever once complain about it?

  11. I am not a liberal by any means, but I would like to know the reasoning behind your demonology accusations. How does someone with a Ph.D. make such an egregious logical fallacy?

  12. no, you have to wad your panties tighter up your twat or the man up stairs won't annoint you with the holey jism.

  13. This isn't about whether Mrs. Edwards was likeable or not. Personally, I didn't like her.

    This is about your reactionary and inaccurate characterizations of her that were done in an unnecessarily mean-spirited manner.

    She's a Christian, but you decide she stinks because she didn't mention it once on her deathbed? Who are you to judge what people should or shouldn't say in those moments?

    On top of this, you mix lurid pictures of women on your websites that suggest you may be desperately looking for a wife.

    You sir, do a disservice to Christianity and this country.

    A patriot and a BoingBoing reader

  14. I'm as conservative as the next guy, but the only hatred I see here is coming from you. I turned a blind eye to your hatred of Elizabeth Edwards, but after seeing this post I am convinced that you're more full of hate than the left will ever be. They are the ones acting with reason in this case. Drop the hating of everyone who disagrees with you, and stop posting pornography on your supposedly Christian site, and maybe you'll be granted admittance to Heaven... if it's not already too late. Stop looking for sin elsewhere and look at yourself.

    somebody who certainly isn't reading your hate-blog anymore.
