Monday, December 13, 2010

Facebook Wrestles With Free Speech and Civility

You think?

The story's at New York Times.

Turns out that Mark Zuckerberg and Co. are developing a "hate and harassment team" ...

...charged with taking down content that is illegal or violates Facebook’s terms of service. That puts them on the front line of the debate over free speech on the Internet.

Free speech on the Internet?

What a quaint notion. Progressives can't have that, as my comment threads indicate, repeatedly.

See, "
Homocide," and "Why Progressives Read Boing Boing." And follow the links there to Boing Boing's demonic Cthulhu sex-toys and sundry other objects of nihilistic abandon.


  1. Free speech on the Internet?

    What a quaint notion. Progressives can't have that, as my comment threads indicate, repeatedly.

    So, as proof of the supposedly anti-free speech tactics of the left you point to your own comment threads which you yourself police and regulate, allowing only that which you deign to approve from your critics to make the public cut?

    Wow, you're such a martyr, Don. If you get your blog pulled merely for something you say or some other egregious act of censorship then you can bemoan your lack of free speech but until then you're a guy who can write whatever you want on your own site and no one can stop you.

    People who actually have to battle unfair censorship would consider you a whiny wannabe victim, and they'd be right to do so.

  2. Everyone should have free speech on the internet, even those we don't agree with. Hope you were joking, otherwise we wouldn't have gems like that Cthulhu business to illustrate the state of moral bankruptcy in this country.


    P.S. Of course I wasn't implying wikileaks should count as free speech, that's just treason and terrorism.

  3. The only posts you've ever made to get more than half a dozen page views are the ones related to boingboing, so now you're linking them in every new post? I don't think that will drive viewership for long. Enjoy your fifteen seconds of internet notoriety before everybody moves on to the next big conservotroll.

  4. JBW:

    Obviously the context is the progressive backlash to my opinion on Elizabeth Edwards. As for my own comment threads, I turned off comments at the initial post at 133. It's been primarily personal attacks, abuse, and veiled death threats. I have no problem with reasoned debate. You just don't get that on the left, not even with you, big boy.

  5. Donald,

    Here's some reasoned debate, or the start of it, if YOU'RE willing:

    What do you mean in this post by "nihilism"?

  6. I would be interested in having a well-reasoned debate with you if I thought you were capable of providing an argument without constant ad hominem attacks.

  7. Whatever you say, clown shoes.
