Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hate Mail

From another member of the enlightened, tolerant left:

From: Kyle Lindskog []
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 6:51 PM
To: Donald Douglas
Subject: Elizabeth Edwards

Mr. Douglas,

People like you make me sick. You consider it a flaw that Ms. Edwards omitted "God" from her final correspondence? No. She is to be praised for this. Unlike you, she probably believed that her human experience on Earth was the best platform for happiness and fulfillment. You, on the other hand, are probably obsessed with saying the right words to the right "God" so that you can secure for yourself a spot in "heaven."

Also, for you to call someone a nihilist merely for omitting "God" in a "death letter" is disgraceful. I wish there were a hell for you to go to. But unfortunately, unlike you, I appreciate science and evidence, and do not accept such farcical, obviously man-made ideas.

With utmost contempt, I am

Kyle Lindskog
St. Petersburg, FL


  1. After reading your original post and then reading this one again, this only adds more evidence to that fact that the left is greatly more dogmatic and intolerant of any ideas.

    To make such a fuss over your use of the word nihilist in a question over the last words of a dying person is beyond mere logic. It is an emotion reaction, one that only a liberal could express and then think they are a logical being.

    I get it all the time on my blog. Emotions overrule logic.

  2. This is not a left or right issue, this about a lack of humanity.

    I'm a republican and what you posted was just sick, despicable, un-Christian hatred.

  3. The Leftinistra. Hate-filled asshats.

  4. I'm a conservative Republican and I have have no sympathy for you and the flack you're taking from the left right now. Frankly, you deserve it.

  5. Dave: That would be "flak." Not only are you hate-filled, as my friend Mark points out above you, you're not too smart.

  6. to clarify - I am the one who wrote the original "hate mail" ( about Pat Robertson when he said 9/11 was punishment for tolerance of gays...hateful??)

    anyway, I am NOT among the left. It is possible, believe it or not, to be a conservative atheist. I strongly encourage you on the right to take a new look at science and evidence, and not believe something merely because you happened to be born on one side of the planet versus the other.

  7. Hey, screw you, Kyle. I simply commented on Elizabeth Edwards faith. I wished neither her nor family ill thoughts. And I don't need to be lectured about "science." I'm a political scientist. Atheism is a left-wing ideological movement, so cearly you are confused.
