Monday, December 13, 2010


Over a couple of dozen comments in the queue went I logged on this morning, with most of those from the Boing Boing trolls. I thought, "Hmm ...I wonder how many of these folks want to kill me"? Hence, "Homicide" from 999. Meanwhile, for your reading pleasure (or not), the debate on "consensual" incest continues. See "The 'Ick Factor'," with links to Da Tech Guy and Volokh Conspiracy.


  1. This may strike you as odd, but I don't think any of the boingboing "trolls" have any desire to kill you. I guess that's one of the defining differences between the political groups. "Morally Bankrupt" people can hear ridiculous alternative points of view without developing the urge to kill the people who hold them.

  2. No one wants to kill you. You see when people say things like, "eat shit and die", they aren't really saying they want you to be killed. They are just upset that you say dumb shit.

  3. Pfft.

    Don't flatter yourself.

    Also, murderous rage is on YOUR side of the political table. Remember?

  4. I'd imagine the number of BB readers plotting your death right now is about 0. We're war-hating pacifists who are too busy masturbating with tentacles, remember?

    Plus, your feeble online flailings are really, really funny. No one's going to do anything to stop the lulz.

    Also, you're certainly not worth the effort that would be required.

    I'd finally throw in something about murder being evil, but as a godless atheist, I of course have no morals. Back to eating babies for me!

  5. Though it DOES look like you were trolling a dying woman in the end. Calling someone a nihilist because they decide not to mention Him in their final words? It comes off as you being an ass. Seeing as it got out from this blog...the internet decided to take its due.

    Wouldn't be surprised if a few people wouldn't mind killing you, but you should be fine in terms of safety.
    Kudos for the music choice.

  6. Average number of comments on an article on your blog that does not mention boingboing: 3.

    Average number of comments on an article on your blog that mentions boingboing: 100.

    Admit it, you just like the attention.

  7. "Homocide"? Little Freudian slip, there Don?

  8. Anyone who doesn't agree with you, even when they leave coherent and reasonable (albeit snarky) comments, is a "troll"? If so, then boingboing's own fans leave "troll" comments on boingboing all the time, since most comments there are either reasonable disagreement or filled with silly puns.

    I didn't see anybody threatening to kill you in the comments. I think you are projecting upon progressives all the evils you wish they embodied. For example, boingboing was not reveling in nor glorifying those Cthulhu sex toys (as you seem to think), they posted them because they thought they were hilariously silly.

    Offensive vs. silly, I guess it depends on how thin-skinned you are. I bet you complain about Monty Python skits contributing to moral decay too.

  9. Don, you give conservatives a bad name. You make us all out to be illogical, fanatical, douchebags parading around in the name of "values". I wasn't aware that being a conservative meant hating on everyone and everything. What's the balance in your moral bank account sir? He among us who has not sinned can cast the first stone.

    I will pray for you.

    Postscript: You need a crash course in irony, and probably logic for good measure. While you're at it, look up nihilism in the dictionary.
