Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Julian Assange Arrested

At ABC News, "Wikileaks' Julian Assange Arrested in Britain for Sex Crimes: Assange Had Warned 'Doomsday Files' Will Be Opened If He Is Detained."

Also at Telegraph UK, "
WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Arrested by Scotland Yard." Updates throughout the day.

6:30 AM: We've got a huge thread at Memeorandum. And video c/o Gateway Pundit and Google:

12:15 PM: At NYT, "British Court Denies Bail to Assange in Sex Inquiry," and at National Journal, "Assange Arrested; What Will U.S. Do Now?"

And Assange himself has an essay at The Australian, "WIKILEAKS deserves protection, not threats and attacks." And from the anti- anti-WikiLeaks clown Glenn Greenwald, "Anti-WikiLeaks lies and propaganda - from TNR, Lauer, Feinstein and more."

Plus, tabloid fodder at London's Daily Mail, "
The Wikileaks sex files: How two one-night stands sparked a worldwide hunt for Julian Assange."


  1. The fact that Assange believed that this would cause a revolution is quite interesting to me. I find it extremely humorous that he actually thought he could blackmail governments and they would just roll over. Much like most on the Left he over estimates people's reaction to finding out those who are in governments are as human as the rest of us and his own sense of power. He fails to understand that he is being used by groups who have the ability to cast him aside and the power to do it.
    The real damage here is that this person is going to drive true transparency in government underground and Assange would have provided the reasons.
    No one is as smart as they think they are nor are those they deal with as dumb as one would like to believe.

  2. An interesting commentary on Leftists and fits Assange: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2010/12/how_liberalism_is_like_a_disne.html

  3. I for one am shocked--shocked--that a preening egomaniac who looks like he's half a chromosome away from being the kid-toucher in the windowless van who lives down by the river has been accused of sexual assault.
