Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Progressives and Obama's Tax Cut Deal

There's talk of progressive defection from the Democrat coalition in 2012, but I guess the alternative isn't too appealing: "Some People Are Ready to Vote for a Caribou Killer in 2012, If Necessary." That said, maybe Obambi'll be primaried in 2012? I used to totally discount the possibility. Now not so much. See, Mara Liasson, "Democrats Frustrated Over Obama Tax Deal With GOP," Jennifer Rubin, "The Democrat Blame Game," Katrina vanden Heuval, "Obama: On the way to a failed presidency?", and Dave Dayen, "President Lashes Out at the Left: “This Country Was Founded on Compromise”."

And especially, Matt Bai (FWIW), "
Murmurs of Primary Challenge to Obama" (via Memeorandum).


  1. Progressives and any other group that consistently votes Democrat have no other place to go. Obama does not need to listen to them. A challenge would just provide all the information that the Republicans need to use in the general election.
    One has to have some force behind such a threat and Progressives have a lot more to lose than Obama. Obama wins no matter what Progressives do.
    This could become real fun for the rest of us.

  2. Progressives are already playing a hand that is one card short and after January will be 2 to 3 cards short depending on how much Obama wants to be reelected. Given the change in the House and the closeness in the Senate more in terms of ideology than party they sense the loss of power.
    Obama and the rest of us have every reason to thank them for alienating almost everyone. Kick dirt in the faces of people and soon those very same people will be using that dirt to cover your grave.
