Sunday, December 12, 2010

Terrorism in Sweden

Here's the headline at CSM, "Sweden Reeling After 'Terror Crimes'."

You think?

Two attacks Saturday evening brought the struggle with terrorism to Sweden, which until now has avoided the violent attacks that have taken place in other European nations.
And at New York Times, "Sweden Launches Terror Inquiry After Stockholm Bombing."

Well yeah.

But see Atlas Shrugs, "
Jihad in Sweden: Homicide Bomber, Screaming Allahu Akbar, Targets Christmas Shoppers." Also Bare Naked Islam, and Fausta's. (And Memeorandum.)

And from Blazing Catfur, "Swedish Prime Minister: 'Dear Muslim Terrorists Please Kill Me Last OK?'"

Plus, Michelle adds:

They’ll try, try, try, try, try, try again. Guaranteed.


  1. The text of the CSM story says it all:

    The explosions occurred about ten minutes after a Swedish news agency and police received a threatening e-mail that referred to Sweden’s troops in Afghanistan and a Swedish cartoonist's controversial 2007 depiction of the Prophet Muhammad.
    Like England and Spain, Sweden is paying the price for DC's interventionism. People don't like it when you invade their countries -- even if you do try to sugarcoat it with nice phrases such as "exporting democracy."

    And the anger at the freedom of expression that's taken for granted in the West illustrates the cultural clash between us and Muslims -- a good reason to restrict immigration to peoples who are compatible to the host nation's culture.

  2. You're an American Taliban, Old Rebel. And a stalking asshat as well.

  3. That wasn't a very nice response. I only quoted from the link that you provided.
