Sunday, December 12, 2010

Why Progressives Read Boing Boing


No wonder they demonize people of faith and romanticize atheists: "Cthulhu sex-toys!"

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  1. know why we read boingboing? bc they're non-elitist, interesting, nonjudgemental & FUN.

    ~love, your non-dildo-using-yet-now-considering-buying-a-dildo-just-for-show-bc-of-you-progressive

    (seriously. that Cthulhu dildo is f'ing sweet. i missed that link. thanks for catching me up.)

  2. do you get a bit of money if I click through to buy a dildo from your website?

  3. Thanks for helping me finish my God fearing Christmas shopping!

  4. They romanticize atheists? SWEET. Because this totally romanticizes JESUS, too:

    Go Jesus... I mean Jesus dildos.

  5. Know why *I* read boingboing? Because every now and then they post a link to some hateful screed sliding in under the guise of Christian "love," and it reminds me why I don't go to church anymore.

  6. Sex toys are objects for use by the objectified women posted on your blog Treating objects as objects is bad, but treating women as objects is OK?

  7. If you are so offended by it, why would you choose to propagate this filth by posting a large photo of it on your blog?

  8. I suppose the irony is lost on you that, in posting the Necronomicox ad because you find it so reprehensible, you're actually advertising them to an entire group of people who might not have otherwise seen it. We progressives thank you for helping spread the joy. :)

    Merry Christmas!

  9. why you post pictures of naked women then complain about pictures of dildos is beyond me!

  10. Long time reader, first time commenter... it is about time you posted something fun. While Elizabeth Edwards bashing is okay, I wouldn't really call it fun. I just order 4 of these for the family.

    Thank you, it will definitely be a merry Christmas this year!

  11. I read Boing-Boing because it has a brilliant science and technology section. Once in a while it posts to some douche who thinks he's all that and thinks it's terrible that a dying woman doesn't praise Jesus on her death bed.
    From my understanding of the bible, Jesus would have been cool with it.

  12. I didn't even know about Boing Boing until my Christian gun toting and republican party contributing boyfriend told me about what a great site it was. You would think he would be in your target demographic, but oddly enough, he never mentioned your site. I am pretty sure he would find it to be trite... especially with your superb inaccuracy in stereotyping.

  13. Merry Christmas! I hope you have a great holiday, and that soon your issues with penises are resolved!

  14. Donald, just because you are angry about being an ineffective educator who struggles with inadequacies (in both your home and academic environments...I will spare you the embarrassment here) does not justify name calling people. I understand how you must feel but it just looks silly when a man like you tries to make statements against a group that is infinitely more adept at deciphering information than yourself. You sir are nothing more than a glorified troll who will always hide from the light of truth (and FYI your "god" will not save you from it LOL : ) ..... Know your place little one!

  15. A web page with ads for monster dildos and George W. Bush's book on it ? God, I love the internet !

  16. Any jackass narcissistic enough to blog under the heading "American Power" will only be looking at the page hits. Irony is entirely lost on this bozo. Besides, anyone who is still obsessed with communists is a pretty laughable figure from the get go.

  17. I'm pretty sure that George Rekers is still offering seminars for people with your "issues" to seek and receive help. May God help you (and then pleasure you in whatever place you prefer it).

  18. I totally agree, but those really are cool looking dildos. Why can't we enjoy the spoils of creativity too. I for one think we should be embracing these in our own bedrooms.

  19. Oh dear, the I want to buy Barbie and her giant monopoly game or the giant blue Cthulhu dildo? Thank you for using your site to advertise BOTH these wonders. I am now enlightened and grateful.

  20. I'm offended! How could you post something like this on a God fearing, Christian blog.

    Why not put up some christian paraphenalia instead, like crucifixes, doves or dildos shaped like little altar boy fists?

    You disgust me.

  21. Hahaha! I know what I'm getting grandma this year!

    (she's also a conservative, you see.)

  22. I think it's hilarious that you are so foolish as to advertise something that you find patently offensive on your own blog.

    Maybe you could do some more posts about other things you find sinful and include a few more pictures to illustrate in great detail what exactly is sinful about it. BoingBoing readers would certainly show up!

  23. I am outraged that you are willing to promote the Bong Bong-branded Necromicox but utterly refuse to flog my line of "Atlas Schlonged Dongs" and "Fountainhead Heads," which any fool can see are objectively pro-victory dildos.

  24. (ok, I've already posted, but...)

    NeoCon blog gives adult novelty manufacturer a free plug!

  25. We have got to protest these evil animalistic sex devices. I'm going to do my part by wearing my Baby Jesus butt plug to your next class!

  26. I completely agree with you, Donald.
    I cry when I think of all the money wasted making horrible penis-substitutes that could be spent building bombs to drop on brown people in some god-forsaken desert wasteland half a world away.


  27. Reading through the comments that came before mine, I realized that essentially all were presumably by Boing Boing Readers, and that not one was actually in favor of you or your blog. The message here, give up.

  28. The best part of this is realizing that the most page hits you will ever get for this blog is on the post for the giant horror dildos. The second best part? That the comments for this post are more entertaining than anything ever posted in the blog itself.

    Yes, person who writes this blog who I can't even be bothered to to learn your name, your career as an internet celebrity is all downhill from this point. Isn't that sad?

  29. Oh, you are just a silly man! This isn't about condemning Boing Boing at all! This is really a hint for what YOU want for Christmas, isn't it? I'll order up a case of those gigantic dildos your advertising on your site, just for you. You are just going to have the FUNNEST holidays!

  30. I'm sorry to read that your reviews were less than positive. Could you please provide a link to the models you do prefer?

  31. As a progressive masturbating atheist, Thank you for advertising this wonderful product to me. I had initially missed it on my routine daily reading of all my progressive atheist blogs. But thankfully I also read hypocritical christian extremist blogs too. I will buy 9 now. Hopefully making me more atheist and progressive in the process.

  32. This isn't about whether Mrs. Edwards was likeable or not. Personally, I didn't like her.

    This is about your reactionary and inaccurate characterizations of her that were done in an unnecessarily mean-spirited manner.

    She's a Christian, but you decide she stinks because she didn't mention it once on her deathbed? Who are you to judge what people should or shouldn't say in those moments?

    On top of this, you mix lurid pictures of women on your websites that suggest you may be desperately looking for a wife.

    You sir, do a disservice to Christianity and this country.

    A patriot and a BoingBoing reader

  33. Jumping on a Christian's back because she died of cancer doesn't leave you any moral high ground left to judge others from. You spent it all on a cheap shot trying to brag about how much better than her you are.

    "People of faith" indeed. Worshipping yourself doesn't count as a religion.

  34. Boing Boing went after you for your cruel and insensitive words about Elizabeth Edwards. You basically said that she didn't die the right way to suit you. Evangelicals are fond of saying 'What Would Jesus Do?'. I don't say it but I try to live that way.

    I ask you- in the situation you find yourself in, would Jesus have written those things?

    I am not going to pile on you. I imagine that you're suffering enough. Today, after church, I prayed for Mrs. Edwards. I will pray for you later.

    I hope you live a long time and think about your actions every single day.

  35. We will talk about your music links later. (Sex Pistols...Generation X...and HEART???? Great Scott, man, you do realize that those groups are anathema to each other????

    Seriously, did you just ask a random person in his mid-forties for three musical acts off the top of his head? Wow.

  36. You are one amusing fellow...

    Does it feel good to harbor so much hatred?

    Maybe disavowing the evangelical perverters of faith and joining some decent denomination could help with your issues?

    If not, there is always therapy.

    Thanks god I´m not studying in the US where they hand out tenures to fundamentalist wingnuts.

    What were your dissertation und habil on and where can I obtain them?

    Just interested.
    I cannot believe that someone like you could actually produce papers that make enough sense to withstand peer review.

  37. I'm sorry, this passes for an argument for you? And you're a professor? Does the college for whom you teach have a front entrance near the bins in a back alley?

    Not your best plan, getting into a blog pissing match with a site who's readership is generally far more intelligent than you are.

  38. Is that really the best you have to offer? It looks like the truther and birther movements have lowered the bar on the quality of conservative smear campaigns. 20 years ago conservatives looking to smear a critic instead of responding to them could have done better than to get their panties in a knot over one naughty article.

    All you've done is reinforce your image as a talentless Beck/Limbaugh wanna-be.

  39. Ooh, this just saved me a bunch of time shopping for Saturnalia presents! Thanks, you lovable, self-hating closet-case, you!

  40. Nothing quite says indignant righteous rage like Cthulhu phallus. At the very least you've pinned down why progressives are reading YOUR blog.

  41. Awesome! Now I can complete my Christmas shopping! Thanks for the tip, no pun intended.

  42. "Tomorrow, more trash you'll never see here." - W.A. Thornhump III, on realizing that the smut he decries is the single greatest thing driving readership.

  43. Neocons, selling the farm one bomb at a time.

  44. How does this juvenile act of lashing out invalidate our points?

  45. Wow, Cthulhu dildos *and* George Bush books?! This is one-stop Christmas shopping at its finest!

    I'll take 3 demon dildos and one witless self-exculpating memoir please.

  46. Conservo-troll vents rage that popular blog is popular, posts giant pic of demon dildos. Finally breaks into triple-digit page views, receives more comments on one post than last 50 posts combined.

    Moral of story: More dildos and misplaced rage, please.

  47. The sad thing here is that Professor Douglas will mentally edit out all the valid criticism of why he is being petty and vulgar and only pay attention to the fact that "Progressive Atheist Commie-Leftists are being mean to me."

  48. Cthulhu dildos will contribute to the downfall of our great civilization, whereas giving huge tax breaks to the rich and simultaneously cutting public services for the poor will save us all.
