Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bloggers Quitting

Blue Crab Boulevard took a long hiatus late last year, and I was reminded of it while reading this piece, "Bloggers Quitting What They Call a Demanding Task With Few Rewards." The main thing I can relate to is the time commitment. Jules Crittenden mentioned that, and the fact that he'd pretty much done all he'd wanted to do. The article is about business blogging, but I think political bloggers can take away a few nuggets in any case. You gotta love it and you gotta work it. Self-promotion isn't an option if folks are looking to have any kind of impact, and you gotta write like a mofo. Give no quarter and don't look back. The progressive nihilists will chew you up and spit you out faster than a wad of raw Southern snuff. Shoot, these f**kers will kill you given the chance. More later, in any case. I'm still fighting the good fight.


  1. It also helps to have low expectations. I write for *me* and me only. It's like therapy, only cheaper.

    Now don't get me wrong, I really think it's neat when you or one of the other Kool Kidz link to something I wrote.

    And when the libtards attack me, my wife gets on my case to hang it up. But I won't, because then I'd have to go back to arguing with her again...

  2. Keep it up, Donald, from one reader who appreciates your work and of all those bloggers who promote freedom and sanity and American exceptionalism.

  3. I've considered quitting myself. The key is maintaining balance and above all, enjoying doing it.

  4. I appreciate having you in my network of blogging friends.

  5. Thanks Chris ...

    I think all of us have to "do it for me." It's obviously not about money. We have to like blogging.

  6. LCR: Yeah, maintain the balance. You've got a great blog, and you're a great writing. You don't have to blog everyday.

  7. yeah, some blogs I really enjoyed reading have just gone away.

    It is hard to make the time everyday.

  8. Hi Don,

    I have never considered quitting. Life sometimes gets in the way for a bit, but I am in it for the long run. I get my share of death threats and hit pieces on me but hey, I just double down and keep on going.

    The Libs inspire me. :)

  9. @ Just a conservative girl: I think balance is the key, but if people find blogging drudgery, then they probably shouldn't do it. Good blogs come and go, and it's a big surprise when the really good ones come to an end. Thanks for commenting.

  10. I've only quit once, Don. For about a month, and then I haven't looked back. I was wrong then to think I wouldn't have enough to write about. There's always something new in politics, etc. So I keep it going.


  11. I love your blog Voting Female! Don't quit!

  12. Thanks for the link and for noticing that the Crabitat is back up and running.

    Keep up the good fight.

    Blue Crab Boulevard
