Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Michael Moore on Anderson Cooper 360: 'No Terrorists in Afghanistan Anymore'

The interview's in two parts. Michael Moore is all about one outrageous comment after another. At the first clip, at 3:30 minutes, he argues that Republicans are like "the people who're still living in their parents' basement." Seriously. That whole stretch of comments is jaw dropping (he contradictorily argues that Democrats are the new conservatives while at the same time claiming the Republicans are against progress). But it's the segment at the second clip where Moore becomes the most agitated. He goes off on a bumbling rant about the how the Bush years caused these trillion dollar deficits, but when Anderson Cooper calls out President Obama the dude goes mum (and compare that to the Trotskyites, "Obama’s Reign of Terror in Afghanistan"). And Michael Moore's an icon for the progressive left? Well, yeah. He plays the race card at about 7:30 minutes at top: "It's about a black man in the White House," which events have repeatedly shown it's not. But RAAAAACISM is all the Dems have left, as we all know. And pay attention to Moore's argument that any criticism against the president is insane and racist. It'd be infuriating if it wasn't so stupid. Moore decries the "insanity" while proving that he lives in a world of make believe.


  1. Professor, why would I even want to hear what Michael Moore has to say about anything.

  2. Good question, Norm, but since I've been blogging the feminist backlash against Moore, I thought I'd update ...

  3. And I have not only enjoyed reading the posts on the feminist reaction, but also learned quite a bit. Tip of the old hat to you for a great series of posts.

  4. I've learned a lot!

    Take care, Norm.

  5. Right, and there are no hot dogs in Michael Moore's freezer, either.

