Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Religion of Peace, Australian Integration Edition: KFC Employee in Sydney Goes Jihad Over Bacon Request, Threatens Attack on Customer

Via Channel 9 News, "KFC Employee Screams Insults at Customer":

A worker at a KFC restaurant in Sydney has been suspended after he was filmed screaming vicious insults and threatening to attack a customer.

The violent outburst happened at a Halal-friendly KFC in Punchbowl on December 26, allegedly after a customer became angry after being refused bacon on their burger.

The Punchbowl restaurant does not serve bacon or pork in accordance with Islamic law, and one employee can be heard saying "we don't have bacon" before the other begins yelling.

"Don't record me bitch!" he screams as he approaches the counter. "Don't f---ing record me!"

The employee continues to yell and smacks the cash register display on its side, before other workers grab him and lead him outside.

"I'm gonna f---in break your head bro," he says to the person filming as he is led around the corner out of sight.
And Andrew Bolt comments, "I suspect the KFC man was provoked by a customer who knew well that the restaurant was halal, but I’m still not convinced this integration thing is working all that well if a request for bacon is in invitation to have your head broken, bro’."

Jawa Report.

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