Friday, February 25, 2011

Wisconsin Assembly Passes Governor Walker Budget

At Hot Air, "WI Assembly passes budget-repair bill," and Los Angeles Times, "Wisconsin Assembly approves controversial collective-bargaining measure."
In a late-night vote that caught Wisconsin Assembly Democrats by surprise, Republicans pass Gov. Scott Walker's plan, which would strip most government workers of collective-bargaining rights. The measure's fate remains uncertain as Senate Democrats remain out of state to forestall a vote.
I guess it's the end of the world, "OMG! These People Are Nuts!.. Leftist Protester Wails About Losing Chemo Benefits After GOP Assembly Vote" (via Memeorandum):

Yep, the end of the world. Althouse has more, "
UW professor retires after only 21 years to "protect" herself from "depressing and threatening" clauses in Gov. Walker's bill."

1 comment:

  1. One of the reasons that the protesters are protesting is not the attack on unions, but the attack on their take-home pay.

    An example: a teacher presently grossing $45K plus benefits would now gross $35K plus benefits. The $10K difference goes toward sharing benefit costs.

    In principle, that's reasonable. In practice, that's a significant loss of income from an income level that was set low based on having a high level of benefits... "we pay you less so you can get more benefits" ... "now we pay you less so you can get less benefits."

    This may be a case of being fiscally responsible and morally repugnant. How about taking money from the free-loaders and letting the educators keep theirs?

    What does California think about that?
