Sunday, March 6, 2011

Calls for Dismissal of Professor Bassam Frangieh at Claremont McKenna

I'm just learning of this huge dust-up at Claremont McKenna College over the extremist views of Bassam Frangieh, Professor of Modern Arabic Languages. Frangieh is a signatory to a 2006 statement of solidarity for Hezbollah. The statement is another classic in the global genre of anti-Israel exterminationist propaganda. It's also signed by Omar Barghouti, the top spokesman for the Boycott, Divestment, Sanction (BDS) Campaign Against Israel, and Norman Finklestein, the former DePaul University professor and Israel-bashing terrorist enabler.

It turns out there's been a growing campaign in the Claremont McKenna community to get the university's administration to rebuke Professor Frangieh, and some letter-writers are working for a dismissal on the grounds that Claremont McKenna is sponsoring outspoken supporters of international terrorism. See for example, "
An Open letter to Claremont McKenna President Pam Gann":
I have written several emails to both you, President Gann, and Professor Frangieh asking you (or him) to refute these charges; - defend yourselves. I've done that because here in America, unlike under the rule of these terrorist groups Frangieh apparently supports, you are innocent until proven guilty. People here have the right to defend themselves. Over the course of more than a month, the only response I received from CMC (and by the way from neither you or Frangieh) was an email from an administrator saying that this is a "difficult situation." Simply put, it's hard to assume that these accusations are indeed anything but true when they are never publicly denied by your Office or Frangieh himself. Sadly, President Gann,it appears under your leadership Frangieh's hate-speech will continue to spread to the CMC students and faculty. In my last still unanswered email, I respectfully asked you to respond to just two things:??" 1) Does CMC support Mr Frangieh's endorsement and support for terrorist groups- Hamas and Hezbollah?? 2) If the man feels that these charges are unwarranted, why does he not do the school a favor and publicly denounce the Hamas and Hezbollah? "

I again received no reply ...

I will ask you again, if these accusations against Professor Frangieh are indeed lies, please come out publically in his defense. Have Frangieh publicly denounce these terrorist groups-immediately. Put this issue to bed! Otherwise you leave reputation of all the Claremont Colleges at risk and the Claremont community questioning your ability to keep CMC as a premier institution of higher education.

If these claims are false defend them publically. If they are true remove this man from campus!


Leon Corcos
Tuition-paying Parent
The full letter is at the link. (Hat Tip: Gary Fouse.)

Folks should also check the Claremont Conservative, where author and Claremont McKenna student Charles C. Johnson is doing an heroic job in exposing the university's spineless submission to moral bankruptcy.

1 comment:

  1. "Sadly, President Gann,it appears under your leadership Frangieh's hate-speech will continue to spread to the CMC students and faculty."

    Based on the recent Supreme Court decision regarding disturbances and onerous conduct at military funerals, one has to conclude that any speech or related action regarding "national issues" is simply free speech.

    Therefore, Professor Frangieh"s verbal or written support of Hezbollah is nothing more than exercising such free speech. Just as hateful speech agains homosexuals and Jews and blacks and other ethnic groups is nothing more than free speech. And free speech associated with crimes against such persons or groups must accordingly be simply a crime and not a "hate crime"... actually a "free speech crime."

    Welcome to 1984.
