Thursday, March 3, 2011

Communists Thrilled at Idaho's Precocious Progressive 17 Year-Old Who Took on the Luna Plan

Look, he's an extremely articulate 17 year-old. Interestingly, he says that student opposition to the Luna restructuring plan reflected spontaneous student revolt from below --- no teacher indoctrination, don't ya know! But the kid's a bit too in-the-know on the education lingo. He's hanging with a bunch of union goons at the rally, and perhaps he's got family members in the teaching profession. Or he's hoping to become a progressive teacher himself. Students of the world unite! But the fact that this has gone viral among the anti-establishment progressive fever swamps is telling. At communist Amy Goodman's Democracy Now!, "Idaho Students Stage Walkout to Oppose Teacher Layoffs, Collective Bargaining Curbs" (via Memeorandum):

The background is here: "Hundreds Rally Against Luna Plan."

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