Monday, March 7, 2011

Islamic Supremacists and Pro-Terror Thugs Protest King Hearings in New York

Okay, here's an update to my previous entry, "Barack Hussein Works to Reassure Muslims Ahead of House Hearings on Homegrown Islamic Terrorism."

See the reports at Atlas Shrugs, "
How about .... "I am an American!" Rally Islamic Supremacists and Useful Tools Protest Counter Terror Efforts," and Vigilant Squirrel, "Imam Rauf Rally Times Square."

Muslim Hate



Check Jihad Watch as well, "Useful idiots rally against King hearings," and "More protests on King hearings: Muslims feel "unfairly singled out" over jihadist terrorism."


  1. It is good that some people are so forth coming with their IQ. I hadn't realized there were so many in the single digits.
    Don't you just love to see "civility" as demonstrated by the Left.

  2. Dennis, I wish I coulda been there.

  3. Thanks for commenting, Philippe!
