Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New F#&king Tone: Wisconsin Senate Democrats 'Misleading the Public' on Plans to Return to Capitol

At WaPo, "Wisconsin's Walker accuses Senate Democrats of blocking negotiations" (via Memeorandum):

A chance to end the legislative standoff that has paralyzed the Wisconsin government for weeks seemed to slip away Monday after Gov. Scott Walker (R) accused the leader of the state Senate Democrats of blocking negotiations to end the impasse ...

The governor said members of his staff seemed to be making progress in negotiations with some of the absent Democrats, only to have Senate Minority Leader Mark Miller stand in the way. He also accused Miller of being in the pocket of organized labor, whose leaders Walker blames for escalating the conflict into a national drama.

"Senator Miller is misleading the public, just like he misled us," Walker said, adding that Miller was also "misleading his own caucus."

The New Tone — Mary Katharine Ham."

IMAGE CREDIT: Grandpa John's.

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