Sunday, March 6, 2011

Supporters Rally for Scott Walker's Budget Plan at Alliant Energy Center in Madison

At Milwaukee's Journal Sentinel, "Pro-Walker Bus Tour Ends in Rally in Madison":

Madison — A bus tour around the state of Gov. Scott Walker supporters ended Sunday in Madison with several hundred coming to the Alliant Energy Center holding signs that said "Collective Bargaining is Not a Right" and "Remember November? Wisconsin Majority Stands with Gov. Scott Walker."

Joe the Plumber, who rose to national fame during the 2008 presidential election, told the group that many workers in the private sector don't have lifetime job guarantees.

"The state of Wisconsin is in dire straits along with a lot of other states," said Joe, who's full name is Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher. He added that union members had "had a guarantee most of their life."

Nancy Mistele, a former Madison school board member, said Walker has been "demonized" for trying to balance the state's budget and she took aim at the 14 Democratic senators who fled to Illinois to avoid a vote in the Senate.

"They instead attempt to nullify our November election by running away," Mistele said of the 14 Democrats.

The crowd cheered when Americans for Prosperity state director Matt Seaholm said Walker is making good on one of his campaign promises.

"Gov. Walker said I'm going to balance the budget without raising taxes," Seaholm said.
The video above's from Newly Conservative, "Quick report from Pro-Walker Rally and Capitol Cleanup." And I love this:
The rally was great! Joe “The Plumber” was there and gave a nice little speech. It was great to finally be around conservatives in this town! I wish I could say the same for the cleanup. Apparently the liberals found out the Tea Party was planning on cleaning today so they cleaned up most of it yesterday. I still went with a trash bag and cleaned up a bit, and found myself hassled by numerous protesters.
Yep, it's a pigsty, like I've been reporting all along. Progressives got word that tea partiers were taking the trash out, and they cleaned up before the video cameras could roll.

Asshat THERS = DOUCHE has been editing the links to my comments at Whiskey Fire, so I saved another one and will post it later. Progressives: Liars, cheats, and thugs. Scummy too.

Until then ...

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