Saturday, March 5, 2011

Wisconsin Protests: It's an Occupation, Not a Sleepover

From the anarcho-communist Burnt Bookmobile, "We call for the further occupations of workplace, university and government buildings."

It's amazing sometimes how little real reporting the lamestream press is doing on Wisconsin.
Althouse has had the most comprehensive coverage by far --- and she's fair too, being a good person and all. Progressives are not good, of course, and they continue to hold protests in Madison, defacing and destroying public property, and costing taxpayers tens of thousands (if not millions) of dollars. Tea partiers are planning a big clean-up tomorrow, and hopefully Gov. Walker will get a budget passed and progressives can clear the hell out. They'd stay longer if they could, since their ideological program is an end to property rights and private morality. This clip from the MacIver Institute really captures what anarcho-communists are all about.
"Inevitably, the time will come when we will have to leave this space. But if that wasn't so, would you ever leave?"

RELATED: At New York Times, "
Wisconsin’s Legacy of Labor Battles":
The protesters who camped out in the Wisconsin Capitol building in Madison for nearly three weeks hung a handwritten placard over the marble bust of Robert La Follette, the state’s titan of progressivism.

“What Would Bob Do?” it begged, a plaintive appeal to recall the state’s history on the forefront for workers’ rights as the protesters try to fend off Scott Walker, the new Republican governor, who insists that he will not compromise in his bid to all but eliminate collective bargaining for public unions.
What would La Follette do? Interesting. Discover the Networks has this:
Many who today call themselves "progressives" sincerely trace their political roots to the Progressive Parties of Teddy Roosevelt, Henry Wallace or Robert La Follette, Sr. But many others on the left nowadays call themselves "progressives" as a deceptive euphemism for more precise, less popular words that describe their real political objectives and ideology --- words such as "socialist," "Marxist," or "Communist."
And "anarcho-communist."


  1. Have been following Althouse for some time now trying to get ALL the info on Wisconsin. Seems she is taking the side of "all is cheery here" and is not quite as fair as you would claim.

    No mention of the guy who threatened Governor Walker, the signs that say "Walker Sucks Koch" (and other such kind posters and signs), the fact that the unions are emailing their membership to encourage (another word for "intimidate") businesses to put the blue fist logo of the Wisconsin AFL-CIO (which looks remarkedly just like the Socialists of America fist) in their windows so that the union members know it is OK to shop at these stores.

    So while Ann Althouse is reporting on the silly actics in Wisconsin, it seems to be selective reporting.

    Personally, I am tired of it all. Wisconsin socialists have had their 15 minutes of fame and now it is time for them to go home and take a bath. No more destruction of their historic state capitol, no more chanting "Si, se puete" for their less than 4% Hispanic minority, no more Jesse Jackson making a fool of himself appearing at a charter school which (LOL) is NON-union (funny that one of the Fleebagger 14's kid goes to a NON-union school).

    Time for them to grow up and accept the words of Obama, "elections have consequences."

  2. A comment I made on another site about Fatboy Moore once again comparing these protesters with the people of Egypt.
    If there was ever a more disgusting, incomparable insult to the true
    revolutionaries that are risking their lives just to get a sniff of
    democracy, well this is it. These are well-fed, well-paid, free to say
    and do anything union members, well-educated and unobstructed
    teachers with nice pensions and well-paid for health care that know
    nothing of what the people of Egypt faced under Mubarak. Keep making
    these comparisons and you lose all credibility.
    Of course, any cred they have is from the corrupt media that channels the marxist twaddle daily into the so-called "marketplace of ideas."

    No grown-up believes the unions are anything but a corrupt Ponzi scheme leeching from the poor WI taxpayers.

    But in today's universities, few aspire to teach or even be adult citizens---some sort of parasitic relationship with the government seems to be the academic ideal---cargo cult science, e.g.
