Friday, April 29, 2011

Donald Trump Says We'll Tax Chinese 'Motherf***kers' at 25 Percent!

Well, now we know he's not conservative!

Progressives have found their motherf***ing guy!

The main story's at KTNV-13 Las Vegas, "Donald Trump delivers several F-bombs during his speech in Las Vegas." Robert Stacy McCain's got the raw viddy, "Obligatory Video: Donald F–ing Trump" (via Memeorandum). And Fox News has a bit below, bleeped out:

Can't be that big a deal.'s got an entry for "motherfucker." So yeah, I can dig it. Now I'm just waiting for dolt-douchebag Thers to get on the motherf***ing Donald Trump bandwagon!


  1. I'm starting to kinda like dude. Now if we can just do something about his unfortunate hair....

  2. I'm not a Trump fan, but at least he is doing something the spineless wussy (that's wussy with a "p") repube leadership steadfastly refuses to do - and that is take the fight right to Obama's front door.

    John Boehner & Co. could learn a lot from this man, if they weren't so busy reaching across the aisle.

    Or is it reaching around?


  3. "at least he is doing something the spineless wussy (that's wussy with a "p") repube leadership steadfastly refuses to do"

    Threatening to make you pay an extra 25% tax on everything you purchase?

    Yeah, there's a reason nobody else is threatening you with that as part of an election campaign.

    Most other politicians can grasp the basics of economics. Donald doesn't appear to understand which party is which in any given transaction.

  4. Christian E,

    As I said at the beginning of my post, I am no fan of the Donald's, as his dem credentials are etched in granite.

    However, I at least give the man high marks for doing what Boehner & Co. should be doing, and that is attacking this fraud of a POTUS from angles the repube leadership is apparently ignorant of.

