Friday, April 22, 2011

Henry Farrell, Political Scientist at George Washington University, Calls (Vaguely) for Easter Egg Bombing of Charles Krauthammer

In a blog post at Crooked Timber (at Memeorandum), George Washington University Political Scientist Henry Farrell suggests that columnist Charles Krauthammer celebrate "Charles Krauthammer Day" with exploding Easter Eggs:
And so the year rolls around yet again to Krauthammer Day, the day on which we all celebrate Charles Krauthammer’s confident assertion eight years ago that:
Hans Blix had five months to find weapons. He found nothing. We’ve had five weeks. Come back to me in five months. If we haven’t found any, we will have a credibility problem.
Or nearly all of us celebrate it anyway. Charles Krauthammer himself seems to prefer to mark the occasion with an entirely unrelated Run, Paul Ryan Run! column ... It would be nice to see him (and others) mark the occasion more formally ...
The post continues, in deliberately vague fashion, and notice how Professor Farrell would like it that Charles Krauthammer and "others" be blown to bits in a "Krauthammer Day" celebration featuring Easter egg bombs, and even that might not in fact be "dangerous enough to really mark the occasion properly." A little screencap to remember this occasion.

Henry Farrell Bomb Charles Krauthammer

Added: Linked at Instapundit, "THE “NEW CIVILITY” FACES another grim milestone." Also, Newsbusters links, "Liberal Suggests an 'Exploding Easter Egg Hunt' for Charles Krauthammer."


  1. I trolled on MY's blog among their moonbats that "Krauthammer is still the best and wittiest of them all---Trump as the Al Sharpton of the GOP is spot-on."

  2. So you decided to analyze a boneheaded blogpost instead of actually defending or even consiudering Krauthammer's (a respected figure of the intellectual right wing) quote.


  3. Actually, we did find weapons and manufacturing equipment which Saddam was not supposed to have, according to the Security Council resolutions. Fail, Prof. Farrell.

    Also, I believe that the 'Hammer is Jewish. Double fail.

  4. See, it's funny cause he's in a wheelchair! You people don't get transgressive humor--explosion+cripple+wheelchair=comedy gold, OK?

  5. It's funny 'cause it's transgressive, see? Crippled guy + wheelchair + explosion = comedy gold! You people have no sense of humor.

  6. Don't forget the Iraqi scientists being assasinated either before interview or after one interview by the WMD finding team.

  7. Lots of WMDs were found in Iraq during and after 2003, some operational, some not, some in development. Bunkers full. There are pictures and movies. The Bush Administration chose to let it be said there were none. Many were dumbfounded by the decision. But decision it was and decision it stood and stands That decision was the start of the refusal to scuttle the thunder of lies directed at the Bush Administration thereafter, the lies Rove has written saying he regretted not answering, and continues not answering, belying his "regret."

  8. It has been a week full of revelations from the left, first off they unveil their deep rooted hatred for Down Syndrome children, now they want to blow up disabled adults.

    It may be a mute point but how low can they go?

  9. @Tania: Just when you think that the left have hit rock bottom and can sink no further; you can count on them to pull out the rock drills and plunge even deeper! There are no depths to which they are unwilling to sink.

  10. It may be a mute point but how low can they go?

    As low as they need to go to get the job done.

  11. I suppose he imagines Charles running around trying to avoid the exploding eggs on this "Easter Egg hunt". Does he know that Charles is wheelchair-bound? Is this another Trig Palin bashing type of event? I'm sure Charles is capable of defending himself verbally, if not otherwise. Maybe he'd prefer to go after Charles because of his Jewish heritage. This guy sounds like he's probably comfortable cooking with gas ovens.

  12. It may be a mute point but how low can they go?

    I doubt we have seen anything anywhere near the bottom with these people.

    They only argue for 'civility' when it is their ass that is getting verbally stomped into the ground.

    Congrats on the NB link, Dr. D!

