Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Michele Bachmann: 'We Have a Very Strong Opportunity to Make Barack Obama a One-Term President'

Well, since I'm on a roll here, check the full clip from O'Reilly's program last night, which is better quality from the last one, in any case:

And the reactions to the surging interest in Michele Bachmann are entertaining, at the least. The anti-Semitic
Booman Tribune writes a long essay hammering Congresswoman Bachmann on her lack of qualifications, with all the disclaimers about "not being elitist," and those just come after praising a candidate who attended an Ivy League university (like you know who). Of course, Barack Obama was an unknown community organizer and state senator before anyone had heard of him, and he hoodwinked the nation with a mellifluous baritone voice plus an in-the-tank press corps. So why not Bachmann? Well, Doug Mataconis has a bit on that, and I agree with his comments on Sarah Palin:
I no longer believe Palin will run. That means that Bachmann has a chance to surprise everyone there, especially when she has people who’ve won there before advising her. Michelle Bachmann has no chance of winning the GOP nomination, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have the opportunity to make a splash.
Never say never, I always say. So yeah, while Bachmann's a long shot, hey, we have the most radical and unqualified guy sitting in the Oval Office right now. So check back with me after Florida and the Super Tuesday primaries (which will be held February 7th, barring unforeseen changes).


  1. Why not make the former comoonity pisser-offer a half-term POTUS?

    Seriously, as I am not at all sure we will even survive a whole first term of this Soros-funded hack from Hell.

    I shit you not.

    Those among you who still possess even a semblance of linear logic should take a few moments and project what has transpired over the last 26 months and extend it another 22 months.

    Get it?


  2. I live in Bachmanns district and am an honorably discharged vet. She has done nothing but cut vet benefits, propose cuts or vote against vet benefits. Anyone who thinks she can overcome that with vet groups and then explain away her ignorance about our countries history is overlooking some serious flaws in her electability. And to the previous commenter, me thinks you believe all too much the crap that Glenn Beck spewed. He was entertainment not news! Much the same way John Stewart is not news. Caliphate!? what a dink!
