Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Rihanna S&M

Allan Bloom warned that rock and roll --- and the Walkman and MTV commercial culture within which it was embedded by the 1980s --- was "life made into a nonstop, commercially prepackaged masturbational fantasy." Well, I doubt he would have anticipated the cultural fantasies of today, which with Rihanna, for example, is masturbational fantasies on exponential steroids:

She looked lovely on the cover of the latest Rolling Stone, in any case, "Rihanna Opens Up Like Never Before in Rolling Stone Cover Story."

This might be too hot for Rule 5, so I'll do something for a roundup later.


  1. Such authoritarian sexuality is the mark of the Christ-less.

  2. I disagree. Such authoritarian sexuality is obviously the mark of the prophet Allah-less, peace be upon him. Or actually, maybe it's the mark of the Jewish god-less. A mark of the Shiva-less? The Xenu-less? Eh, it doesn't really matter, does it? And Beyonce is totally hotter than Rihanna.

    Whitey, you're one of my favorite commenters here because what you say is usually either weirdly cryptic or unintentionally funny. Why do you think Don never replies to you?

  3. Apparently "S & M" means "Silly and Mediocre".
    Betty Page would be snickering.

