Friday, April 1, 2011

Who Stands With Israel?‎

Glenn Beck has been developing his theory of war in the Middle East, and all indicators point to a progressive campaign to destroy Israel. Here's the March 29th transcript, "Beck: Who Stands With Israel?" Also below are clips from the March 30th and 31st broadcasts.

Beck mentions top State Department official and Harvard Public Policy scholar Samantha Power, who has long been considered hostile to Israel. She was featured in a Los Angeles Times puff piece yesterday, "Samantha Power, long a critic of U.S. foreign policy, now helps shape it." God bless Glenn Beck. He pulls together snippets and strings of information that mainstream outlets refuse to touch, lest they incite the anger of the global progressive left's Israel demonization industry. It's pathetic.


  1. you are seeing the genesis of WWIII right now.

  2. As I have said before, the Islamic true-believers have long wanted the squishy milquetoast Arab leaders out of the way, as they haven't been able to mount a united front against Israel since it's reestablishment in 1948, and have gotten their clocks cleaned every time they have moved against that country.

    Never forget that the Islamists have but two goals - one short term, the other long term.

    Their long term goal is as it has always been - world domination.

    Their short term goal, while of comparatively recent vintage, is the total destruction of the nation of Israel.

    They have shown 14 centuries of patience in realizing the former, but I have a feeling their patience in realizing the latter is reaching its end.

    And notice carefully the Arab leaders Obama has supported verses those he has chosen to throw under the bus.

    That is not a little insignificant, if you have been paying attention.

