Friday, May 13, 2011

Osama Bin Laden's Pornography Stash!!

The dude was all lubed up and ready to go!!

At Reuters, "Exclusive: Pornography found in bin Laden hideout: officials" (via Jawa Report and Memeorandum).

Osama Vaseline

Added: Jonah Goldberg holds out for more evidence, and suggests the big find will be if Osama starred in any porno tapes:

The titles write themselves: “I Jihad To Have Her,” “72 Virgins Gone Wild,” “OBL’s Hot Qtub Party,” “Abbottobad Girls,” “Sheep Are For Practice,” etc.


  1. Oh Donalde, please don't drop the expos gig. We need the LULZ.

  2. Peter: Who said I'm gonna stop? Tintin is Carl Salonen, which is why my comments are being deleted right and left, at Brendan's and LGM, etc.
