Tuesday, May 3, 2011

U.S. Should Release 'Gruesome' Photo of Osama Bin Laden

Jay Carney, at today's press conference, described the photo of Osama Bin Laden's corpse "gruesome." He discussed the tremendous "sensitivities" surrounding the possible release, but they'd better get a move on, because the administration f**ked up with the burial at sea, big time, which is likely to fuel conspiracy theories. Not only is a speedy release politically necessary, but people won't get full closure until they see Osama's obliterated remains.


  1. It wouldn't matter if we had the remains. You could parade Osama's dead corpse door-to-door across the globe and let people touch the actual bullet holes and brains, and STILL you'd have people convinced it's a fake. After all, how do we know what the real Osama looked like? Hell, there were LOTS of Saddam lookalikes, who's to say we hung the right one?

    No, the sad fact is that there are some people who can never be satisfied, and no amount of proof will dissuade them from believing their conspiracy. Like the freaks who insist that Bush and Cheney planned 9/11, or the clowns who think Obama isn't a citizen. If someone wants to believe something crazy, they will, and nothing will talk them out of it.

    As for myself, I completely agree with the burial at sea. Only fanatics would be upset at what we did, and it's not an offense that would bother people who didn't already like Osama. Plus, I just like the idea of that bastard's corpse being eaten, as we speak.

  2. One would think that a group who had so little sensitivity to Arab feelings that they could not wait to release the Abu Ghraib pictures would not be so reticent to release these pictures.
    No matter how the Left tries to obscure their hypocrisy they cannot run from it and they no longer control the narrative to do so. Guess what we will no longer STFU.
    I have to admit to loving the tortuous attempts by the Left to keep from admitting that they have no real principles or morality except for the lust for power.
    The killing of Osama, given the constantly changing narrative put forth by the Obama administration, begins to leave one asking more and more questions as to what really went down. Did Obama or Panetta make the decision? If they knew where Osama was why does there seem to be a feeling that nothing was planned before hand? Did Osama have a weapon or not? Was Osama killed because the Obama administration did not want to deal with making a decision as to military tribunal or, a very unpopular idea politically, trying him in the US court system where Osama could have gotten off? Did the Wikileaks information change the timing and would it have happened if those leaks did not occur? How can one person us the word "I" so many times?
    It almost appears that, except for the military and the SEALs, this was done by "The gang who could not shoot straight" and had no desire to take Osama out unless it became politically expedient.
    By the end of this week we will have so many questions that confusion will reign.

  3. Interesting article in which a number of paragraphs could also apply here: http://blogs.the-american-interest.com/wrm/2011/05/03/top-green-admits-we-are-lost/
