Sunday, June 12, 2011

Anthony Weiner Lewd Photos at House Members' Gym!

I linked Robert Stacy McCain already, but this bears noting. The House Gym is a government facility, and the release of new photos reveals another Anthony Weiner lie. See the Queens Courier:
After admitting his actions were inappropriate, Congressmember Anthony Weiner now faces an ethics committee investigation and mounting pressure to step down.

Nancy Pelosi, the House of Representatives Democratic leader, called for an investigation to determine whether any House rules were violated.

The first rule in the House’s code of conduct states a member “shall behave at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably on the House.”

During Monday’s statement, the congressmember said no government resources – phones, computers, email – were used and no laws were violated – but that may not be enough to save his seat.
No, not enough at all. Because Weiner implicates government by taking it to the House gym.

The photos are at TMZ, "Anthony Weiner at the House Members' Gym." Also at Politico, "More Anthony Weiner photos surface online" (via Memeorandum).

1 comment:

  1. These rules may have helped Weiner at the gym:
