Thursday, June 9, 2011

Gingrich Presidential Campaign Disintegrates

I'm not surprised at all.

From Chris Cillizza, "Gingrich presidential campaign implodes" (via Memeorandum):

Former House speaker Newt Gingrich’s presidential campaign imploded Thursday afternoon with his entire senior staff resigning en masse, according to multiple sources familiar with the moves.

“When the campaign and the candidate disagree on the path, they’ve got to part ways,” said Rick Tyler, a longtime Gingrich spokesman who was among those who left the campaign.

Tyler as well as Rob Johnson, Gingrich’s campaign manager, Dave Carney and Katon Dawson, senior strategists to the effort, media consultant Sam Dawson, Iowa strategist Craig Schoenfeld, South Carolina operative Walter Whetsell and Georgia-based adviser Scott Rials have all stepped aside. Much of Gingrich’s early state operation was also headed for the exits, according to a one senior campaign source.
Follow the link at top. Gingrich made the announcement on Facebook.


  1. Newt never had the traction to win the Republican nomination -- only the ego to try. And after the Ryan gaff and the staff jumping ship, the handwriting is on the wall.

  2. Newt is too slick by half. Something about him sends up red flags. I just do not trust him.
    The only way he could get elected is if the young voters in this country finally realize how badly they are being taken to the cleaners and fooled by Obama. They will be the bearers of all this debt and diminished possibilities.
    Even Blacks and other minorities should have figured out that their likelihood of success have not improved with Obama. Obama is more beholden to the teacher's union than he is to black and other minority children getting a good education.
    I do not hold out much hope given that large numbers of them cannot find jobs and seem incapable of figuring out that Obama's policies are hurting them.
    I am still amazed at the number of young women following Weiner. This guy is not what one would call handsome at all. If I was a woman he would be "gag me with a spoon" time. Add to that their fascination with Islamists, who would make slaves of them, and one has every reason to wonder as my daughter-in-law says, "What are they thinking?"

  3. too bad, Newt is a good man but tends to blow himself up

  4. Newt's problem is that, as a member of the professional/political complex, he's gotten accustomed to pursuing the expedient at the expense of the principled.

    He talks a good game ... but exhibited this problem all the way back when he was Speaker. He and Trent Lott are the two who turned me into an independent because of this ... they led the GOP revolution, once they were leading Congress, like Barney Fife at a marksmanship competition.
