Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Liberty Belle B-17 Crash

At LAT, "Restored WWII bomber crashes."


  1. What a shame!.. I sat in the cockpit of this a/c a few years ago when it sat on static display at airshow Flying Legends in Duxford in England.

  2. So sad to see a living piece of history destroyed. I was born in 57 and was privileged tosit around many a kitchen table with my grandfathers war budies hashing over old times. They normaly didn't talk too much about the war, but they said I was one of the guys so they let me in on the stories.

    Today's youth has not nearly the opportunity to participate in this male bonding.

    Up here in Canada I would be devistated if the Lanc from the Hamilton museum was destroyed. Despite what is being taught in most history curicullums, we need these conection to our past.
