Monday, June 13, 2011

The Media's Role in Weinergate 2011

A Tony Katz joint, at PJTV:

I'm going to dissent from the notion that Weinergate is the turning point for new media. Folks probably said Rathergate was the turning point 7 years ago. I do think this is a well-earned gotcha moment for conservatives, and the ramifications of the scandal will be felt all the way through next year's general election. Fascinating, all around.

1 comment:

  1. This is a war to ensure that a point is made that the MSM has little or no credibility. Worse yet they are so biased to the Left that they fail to utilize the same standards of reporting for every story. In fact "JourNOlist," which still exists, was create to propagate this form of bias.
    The more the "new media" can demonstrate the difference between themselves and the MSM the more credibility they will garner.The more doubt that can be created the less power the MSM will have. How many people does one know that take what the MSM puts forward as "gospel?" The great thing is that they do it to themselves.
    I have to add I do enjoy the way Sarah Palin plays these salivating dogs. Even a general look at the coverage makes one wonder if she is helping the MSM look terrible by waving the possibility of a "gotcha" in front of them. The amount of free coverage despite her non campaign is amazing. Pavlov's dogs have nothing on the MSM.
