Saturday, June 11, 2011

Wall Street Journal Weekend Interview: Michele Bachmann, 'On the Beach, I Bring von Mises'

I think Bachmann gains the most by Romney's decision to skip the Iowa straw poll in Ames, but we'll see.

And from Stephen Moore's interview:


"If I'm in, I'll be all in," says Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, artfully dodging my question of whether she's running for president. Given that she just hired campaign strategist Ed Rollins, whose past clients include Ross Perot and Mike Huckabee, rumors abound. "We're getting close," she says, "and if I do run, like all my races, I will work like a maniac."

That's pretty much how she does everything, and it helps explain how the relatively junior congresswoman has become a tea party superstar—and uniquely adept at driving liberals bonkers.

After spending a good part of two days with her in Washington as she scurries from one appointment to another, I have no doubt that Ms. Bachmann will announce her presidential bid soon. And it would be a mistake to count her out: She's defied the prognosticators in nearly every race she's run since thrashing an 18-year incumbent in the Minnesota Senate by 20 points in 2000. Says Iowa Congressman Steve King, "No one has electrified Iowa crowds like Michelle has."

Ms. Bachmann is best known for her conservative activism on issues like abortion, but what I want to talk about today is economics. When I ask who she reads on the subject, she responds that she admires the late Milton Friedman as well as Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams. "I'm also an Art Laffer fiend—we're very close," she adds. "And [Ludwig] von Mises. I love von Mises," getting excited and rattling off some of his classics like "Human Action" and "Bureaucracy." "When I go on vacation and I lay on the beach, I bring von Mises."
RTWT at the link.

She needs to fire Ed Rollins before making a formal announcement. I doubt it's a good thing to be going negative on potential opponents before you've even thrown your hat in the ring. And Palin won't take that stuff sitting down. I like both of these women. My preference ordering is Palin first, Bachmann second. After that I'm still undecided. Thus whatever happens, should they both be candidates for the nomination, we could see some ugliness among two of the top tea party favorites. But that's politics.

RELATED: At Legal Insurrection, "Michele Bachmann Needs To Dump Ed Rollins Now."

1 comment:

  1. "And [Ludwig] von Mises. I love von Mises," getting excited and rattling off some of his classics like "Human Action" and "Bureaucracy." "When I go on vacation and I lay on the beach, I bring von Mises."

    Uh huh...

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