Thursday, July 14, 2011

Amazon Wants Voter Referendum to Decide Online Sales Tax

At Los Angeles Times, "Amazon aims to have voters decide on sales-tax law."

I hate government by ballot box, although this one's a referendum rather than initiative, so what the heck? Besides, I miss running Amazon at the blog, and Governor Brown's a blithering idiot.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Ask voters whether or not they want to pay sales tax when they buy at Amazon. I am guessing most people would say "No, I wish not to pay the tax".

    But take this a step further and let people vote on paying any sales tax at all and I am sure once again nobody would want to pay sales tax whether when they buy at Amazon, Walmart, Best Buy, Gas Stations etc...

    Personally, I am surprised Amazon has gotten away with it this long but I guarantee with 100% certainty that in the long run every sale will be fairly taxed equally. Amazon's tax holiday is going to end eventually. This will eventually be ruled on a federal level and collection of sales tax will be an unfortunate task of the seller.
