Sunday, July 24, 2011


From Hadear Kandil's Twitter stream, pure anti-American hatred:


She needs to GTF back to Cairo, loser Tahrir camel-smelling wench. Geez. By now I shouldn't be, but I'm still blown away sometimes by the freak-show progressive internationalists who hate the U.S. but stay here nevertheless, blathering about how horrible it is, all the while bringing down the quality of this great nation. These people are freakin' stupid. They suck. Stupid and diabolical. Go home freak-nut commies. You're not welcomed.

Retweeted by Leah McElrath, the fifth-column hater-commie who got called out for spreading progressive propaganda.

A bunch of losers, total ASFL.

1 comment:

  1. I know right? Next thing you know, these "freak-show progressive internationalists" will get the CRAZY idea that they have the right to express their opinions as they see fit. Who knows? Maybe this idea will catch on and they'll add it to the Constitution of the United States, giving it a catchy title like "freedom of speech." What do you think of that you sock-sniffing bog trotter?
