Friday, July 1, 2011

Glenn Beck's Last Show on Fox News

Here's part of the show, the introduction:

I'll update with the full clip later. Meanwhile, from Gabby Hoffman, at Washington Times, "Glenn Beck ends popular Fox News show to start GBTV."


  1. I must admit that I enjoy the fact that every time the Left thinks they have driven someone from the political arena that they find that person becomes more powerful and more of a threat. It will happen here as well because Beck will no longer be tied to the rules of network programming.
    I would suggest that the Left will rue the day they thought they pushed Beck from the arena.
    One of the dangers of free speech is that it can become a liability to the speaker and can be readily challenged. Something the Left is not very good at. I suspect if the Left truly had fact on their side they would freely engage because they have everything to win, but they don't so all they have left is S.T.F.U.
    This is, of course, all they ever had.

  2. Good riddance--neoconservative inspiration.
